The Legion? Zealots! Fools worshipping a creator that never gave a damn about them. Those idiots would never have made it in the first place if it weren't for the intercession of the Exo Militia, and what do they do to thank us for our service? Spit at us behind our backs, flash that damned E.R.Z.A. symbol when they think we aren't looking! Half-breeds, barely human spaceborn. If it were up to me we would reduce their outposts to rubble and be done with the lot of them.

-Jericho Nazbeth, Exo Militia Colonel


The Legion is comprised of an elite sect of humanoids trained to serve a theocracy. Most Legionnaires are human hybrids, descended from humans that left earth and over the years interbred with various alien races whose home planets or space stations they inhabited. The Legion has a deep resentment for the Exo Militia, seeing them as xenophobic and archaic, and as a whole worships “The Creator,” a god whose tenets and military techniques are all centered around. The most talented of the Legion join E.R.Z.A, the Elite Response Zealot Army, which is tasked with maintaining the often chaotic provinces of the Legion and planning for potential conflicts with Earth or other worlds farther removed.


The Legion was formed by humans that had been removed from the earth, allying themselves with the species of new planets and outposts they were forced to inhabit. In desperate straits for purpose and guidance, most of these humans clung desperately to their religious affiliation on earth, declaring themselves disciples of “The Creator.” This ideology was a powerful one, and over time, the humans of the earth began to indoctrinate aliens on the planets or stations they now occupied, proselytizing in every way they could. The faction was not something that was “officially” formed from the start but came about organically over time as humans and alien races formed alliances and interbred with one another. Most legionnaires can claim no one race as their own. Most descended from a mix of humans from earth and aliens far from their homeworld.


Because the Legion is spread across the universe in small pockets, it has little in the way of a formal army, and some sects of the Legion may be ready for war, claiming The Creator would want it, while others decry such acts of violence, stating that it was the friendship and understanding of peoples from all over the universe that first created the Legion, and that the Legion itself should represent this great, universal love. Because of the schism in belief, many claim to be members of the Legion, but the Legion itself is devoid of a unifying form of governance or belief.


The Legion is comprised primarily of hybrid humans. These humanoids often have a wide variance in their physical and mental abilities. Some may be able to breathe water, while others may have heightened strength. Some may be able to survive in the harshest of hot or cold environments, while others may be able to see in the dark. The Legion is a melting pot of abilities, held together by their universal belief in “The Creator.” Most Legionnaires have a mostly human appearance with varied physical characteristics based on their genetic lineage. Some may have regenerative abilities or the ability to subsist off a single piece of hardtack for months, while others may have heightened intellect, telepathy, or be highly adaptive to differences in temperature. It is the diversity of the Legion, and its acceptance of any that accept basic tenets of “The Creator.”


The Legion benefits from the varied experience and knowledge of a multitude of races and histories mixed together. The Legion rarely goes to war as a whole, many meetings and diplomatic discussions being required to initiate such a unified confrontation, but, when it does do battle the Legion is a force to be reckoned with. Lore and strategies from various histories and an acceptance for all ideas that do not defy The Creator are accepted wholeheartedly, and the Legion can quickly and easily change its course of attack or defense at a moment's notice. Their unpredictability, varied perspectives, and mix of old and new technology from all around the universe make the Legion one of the most versatile of all factions.